Thank you for your continued prayers and support. If you need to reach us for assistance, or would like to volunteer to become a member of SVDP, please feel free to call us at 227-7863.
This week FOOD PANTRY is in need of: Canned Beef Stew, Instant Mashed Potato, Artificial Sweetener, Toothpaste & Brushes
BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPIES Although there is uncertainty about students being in the physical classroom, we are still collecting back to school supplies. Students will need: pens, pencils, crayons, folders, composition books, glue socks, wide ruled loose leaf paper, wide ruled spiral notebooks, scissors, pencil boxes, pencil sharpeners, rulers, erasers, back packs, tissues and lunch boxes. Any donation is gratefully accepted. Please drop off items where St. Vincent de Paul food items are collected. Thank you for your support!